History of our Mother House

A Centennial Building


The building at 2330 Sherbrooke Street West is celebrating its 100th anniversary in January 2013! Through the years, this house, owned by the Congrégation de Notre-Dame, has had different vocations. Today the Congregation's Mother House, this little-known jewel in Montreal’s heritage, bears witness to the Congregation’s history and, through it, the development of a society.



Ecological footprint of the Mother House

…since 2014, words have been put into action and the mother house has been taking concrete steps to become “green”: evaluating and improving the energy efficiency of…


Open House, September 22, 2013

…An estimated total of about 300 people visited the mother house during this event. Visitors moved freely from room to room on four floors of the house…


A New Elevator at Mother House

At the beginning of the autumn, geese flew south… and construction workers arrived at the Mother House! They are building a second more modern and spacious…


Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Filles du Roy

This painting recalls the moral and material support Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Congré­gation de Notre-Dame offered the Filles du Roy. Between 1663 and…


Historical Painting 1653-1893

Impressive in scale, this painting entitled Tableau historique 1653-1893 is a rare example of 19th century works of art still included in the collection of the Congregation…


The Present Chapel of the Mother House

During the construction of the École normale building in 1912-13, a large chapel was built on the first floor of the west wing under the patronage of…


The Generalate

On December 31, 1973 and on January 5, 1974 the members of the General Council received the sisters of the Congregation to offer them their best wishes…



…I was barely fifteen years old when, shortly after arriving from the remote countryside, I began my first of four years as a student at École Normale Supérieure…


Alhambra Monument

In the front of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame mother house stands a grey stone stele memorializing Marguerite Bourgeoys. It was erected by the leaders of…


Architectural Study of the Building

…Jean-Omer Marchand was an important figure in Montreal’s architectural scene. He was the first Canadian architect to graduate from the École supérieure…


Our Lady of Schools

There is a magnificent marble statue of Our Lady of Schools, patron saint of all educational institutions, in the a chapel at 2330 Sherbrooke Street West. Carved in Italy…


Archives Services

Beyond their traditional functions, namely document acquisitions, processing, conservation and distribution, the Archives Services remain relevant…


Motto and Coat of Arms of École Normale

…A coat of arms and a motto were created for École normale, probably at the time it was founded. The origin of the coat of arms as a sign of nobility and privilege…


The Heart of Marguerite Bourgeoys

Did you know that the ashes of the heart of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, Foundress of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame of Montreal, can be found at 2330 Sherbrooke…


Mother House

Since April 2005 the eighth Mother House of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame has been located at 2330 Sherbrooke Street West. It is the residence…


Notre Dame Secretarial College

…In 1907, aware of this pressing need, the CND opened its first “commercial class”. In the Grade 8 classroom of Saint Charles School in Pointe Saint-Charles…


École Normale Jacques-Cartier

The building located at 2330 Sherbrooke Street West housed École normale Jacques-Cartier (girls sector) for some sixty years. It was established in January…



What are
the Sisters of
the Congrégation
de Notre-Dame
doing in 2025?